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Battery for Drill, Screwdriver, and Other Power Tools
Efficient Li-Ion cells
Don't let a lack of energy delay your work. The Green Cell battery is an excellent solution for anyone needing reliable energy for their power tools. It is characterized by high quality confirmed by tests and excellent compatibility with selected battery-powered devices.
Thanks to modern and efficient lithium-ion cells used in Green Cell batteries, your device has a large reserve of energy and impressive longevity, reaching up to 1000 full charging cycles. This translates to full tool performance even after 3 years of intense battery use.
Efficient Operation
Longer work times without downtime
With Green Cell batteries, you can fully utilize the work time potential of your power tools such as screwdrivers, drills, or grinders.
Green Cell batteries are characterized by high, real capacity and provide a constant and stable flow of energy to your devices, allowing maximum power in every situation.
Not only that! An additional battery will enable you to work faster and more efficiently. While one is in use, the other can be charged.
Quality Guarantee
Confirmed by Tests
Created according to the highest standards, using high-quality components, these batteries are not only durable but also offer a wide range of applications. Power tool batteries are a secure choice and quality confirmed by tests conducted by the best Polish specialists of the Green Cell brand.
Modern Protections
Fully engage in your tasks, knowing that Green Cell batteries have taken care of the rest. Power tool batteries have been equipped with modern protections including protection against overheating and overcharging, ensuring safe and stable operation even in the most demanding work conditions.
No memory
Battery status
Matched to Your Devices
Full Compatibility
Don't worry about the compatibility of power tool batteries. Green Cell batteries are designed to ensure a perfect fit. They flawlessly and effortlessly work with both the device and the original charger.
How to match a new battery? How to match a new battery? It's simple! Check the brand, voltage, and battery model on the rating plate of your battery. If it matches the parameters of the Green Cell battery, it means it will fit.
To enjoy even longer operation of your tool, you can also choose a battery with a higher capacity (Ah).
Ensure a Backup of Energy for Your Power Tools
And Join a Group of Satisfied Customers
Discover the benefits of having a new or spare battery for power tools. Take advantage of the latest solutions from the Green Cell brand and join a group of satisfied customers today.
Also check out other products from the brand's offer and experience more, thanks to the fresh energy from Green Cell.
Check other compatible models:
Battery for Drill, Screwdriver, and Other Power Tools.
Efficient Li-Ion cells
Don't let a lack of energy delay your work. The Green Cell battery is an excellent solution for anyone needing reliable energy for their power tools. It is characterized by high quality confirmed by tests and excellent compatibility with selected battery-powered devices.
Thanks to modern and efficient lithium-ion cells used in Green Cell batteries, your device has a large reserve of energy and impressive longevity, reaching up to 1000 full charging cycles. This translates to full tool performance even after 3 years of intense battery use.
Efficient Operation Longer work times without downtime
With Green Cell batteries, you can fully utilize the work time potential of your power tools such as screwdrivers, drills, or grinders.
Green Cell batteries are characterized by high, real capacity and provide a constant and stable flow of energy to your devices, allowing maximum power in every situation.
Not only that! An additional battery will enable you to work faster and more efficiently. While one is in use, the other can be charged.
Normes de qualité élevées Confirmed by Tests
Created according to the highest standards, using high-quality components, these batteries are not only durable but also offer a wide range of applications. Power tool batteries are a secure choice and quality confirmed by tests conducted by the best Polish specialists of the Green Cell brand.
Safety. Modern Protections
Fully engage in your tasks, knowing that Green Cell batteries have taken care of the rest. Power tool batteries have been equipped with modern protections including protection against overheating and overcharging, ensuring safe and stable operation even in the most demanding work conditions.
No memory
Battery status
Matched to Your Devices Full Compatibility
Don't worry about the compatibility of power tool batteries. Green Cell batteries are designed to ensure a perfect fit. They flawlessly and effortlessly work with both the device and the original charger.
How to match a new battery? How to match a new battery? It's simple! Check the brand, voltage, and battery model on the rating plate of your battery. If it matches the parameters of the Green Cell battery, it means it will fit.
To enjoy even longer operation of your tool, you can also choose a battery with a higher capacity (Ah).
Ensure a Backup of Energy for Your Power Tools
And Join a Group of Satisfied Customers
Discover the benefits of having a new or spare battery for power tools. Take advantage of the latest solutions from the Green Cell brand and join a group of satisfied customers today.
Also check out other products from the brand's offer and experience more, thanks to the fresh energy from Green Cell.
Check other compatible models:
Pre pridanie komentára musíte byť prihlásený a mať zakúpený produkt.
Pre pridanie komentára musíte byť prihlásený a mať zakúpený produkt.
Ďakujeme za doplnenie vášho názoru, čoskoro bude k dispozícii na produktovej karte.
Komentár potvrdený nákupom
Všetko je skvelé, neustále sa o neho staráme, ak máte nejaké otázky
Článok zodpovedá popisu. Som veľmi spokojný, len tak ďalej
Komentár potvrdený nákupom
Veľmi dobré batérie. Rýchly obrat. ODPORÚČAŤ!
Komentár potvrdený nákupom
Veľmi dobrá batéria. Rýchle spracovanie objednávky. ODPORÚČAŤ!
Komentár potvrdený nákupom
Perfektne sa hodí k môjmu náradiu makita, batéria je pevne vyrobená a vydrží dlho bez nabíjania
Komentár potvrdený nákupom
Je to v poriadku
Komentár potvrdený nákupom
Komentár potvrdený nákupom